You can still participate! Click here for details!
To see the pledges so far, click here.
Local news coverage of the ride can be found here.
My cyclemeter app tells the tale. I rode 32.45 miles in all. Well short of my goal, but I felt I'd had enough and quit while I could still walk.
This is what the ride looked like on a map. I love technology!
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Speaking of technology. Instagram and Twitter are amazing. The support I received is more than I can ever hope to repay, but I will try my best.
All weekend I saw things like this and I can't tell you how much it meant to me. I couldn't post everything on here or else I'd be here all day copying and pasting. This is just a sample.
I was one dad on a bike, but I felt like I was riding with each and every one of you. For that I am thankful.
When I finally stopped riding, I sat on the curb by my bike and thought "what was this all about?"
It came to me in a split second.
Every time our kids do something...interact with someone, try on new clothes, try a new food, make eye contact, you name it...they're stepping out of their comfort zone for the sake of others. Given the choice, I'm sure my son would rather wear sweats, drink nothing but capri sun and watch the "Your shoe's untied" episode of Spongebob all day.
But he doesn't. He puts on his jeans. He rides the bus. He goes to therapy. He does all of these things we think should be easy, but that are a struggle for him.
I stepped out of my comfort zone on April 2nd. I tried to do something that would benefit others by pedaling my large self around Fresno for a few hours.
Much like the team of therapists and teachers that support my son, all of you were my support system as I tried something that doesn't come naturally to me. With practice and motivation, it will become more natural.
My point in this whole thing is that we can all do something to help those who help our children. I know we'd be lost without them.
Thanks again to all of you. These have been some of the most enjoyable and uplifting few days I've ever experienced.
I have plans for expanding the One Dad Bikeathon for Autism next year but those plans will wait till summer vacation. I'm in the middle of a teacher credential program that demands my full attention until then.
One last thanks.
In your debt,
Thank you for sharing your thoughts. They had me all choked up.You have a great story and spirit, thank you again for sharing it.